A breakfast club where staff are “friendly and good role models for children” has been told it meets requirements after an inspection by the education watchdog.

Edenfield Breakfast and After School Club is independently run and operates on the site of Edenfield CE School near Ramsbottom.

The club employs seven members of staff and operates during term time.

This was the club’s first routine Ofsted inspection since the pandemic and the impact of that was taken into account by inspectors.

They found the club meets its expectations well, providing a safe space to children to play and relax, and supervise with homework if necessary.

The report said: “Staff consider children’s views and opinions about activities and resources well. They plan the play environment with this in mind, to suit children’s needs.

“Consequently, children enjoy their time at the club. They show that they feel safe as they are busy and engaged in their play and activities.

“Staff provide spaces for children to relax, play with friends, and be creative. They are on hand to supervise homework if necessary. Children can choose to play outside and, for example, use the large spaces to practise their athletic and football skills.

“Staff are friendly and good role models for children. They help children to understand the expectations of them, follow the well-embedded routines, and behave well.”

Inspectors also found the leaders and staff at the club have a “sound understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures".

They found they understood how to identify when a child may be at risk of harm and how to refer concerns about a child’s welfare to relevant agencies.

The report said: “Leaders have recently implemented additional measures to increase vigilance around the collection of children. For example, photograph and password identification are used if someone new arrives to collect a child.

“Staff work hard to keep up to date with online terminology and acronyms, giving them additional insight into children’s discussions. This helps staff support children to keep themselves safe online.”